How about an “Exit of the Brexit”?


How about an “Exit of the BREXIT” or, “No Exit from the EU”?

With the actual announcement in the Metropolis of London to revise the poll on the BREXIT from the EU, people may be irritated about the next steps in the endless discussion on the ending membership of Great Britain in the European Union. You can hear the experts already say: “how can the highest courts or UK’s politicians vote against people’s votes, saying no to the leadership of the European Union in Europe WITHOUT GREAT BRITAIN.

It will lead to a much faster vote by the European Commission to stop further discussions by no change to the existing contracts and rules of almost 1K signed documents within 30 months. It’ll mean then: all those agreements will be regarded as no longer valid.

With today’s announcement in the Metropolis of London the wish to revise the BREXIT poll, people may be irritated about the next steps in an endless discussion on the normally already ended membership of Great Britain in the European Union within two years.

Why without GREAT BRITAIN?

The political ruse to win more time and stay longer in the EU seem to be legal but also it is quite obvious what the tricks behind may include: Win more time and collecting points in tactical gains in negotiations with members of the WTO or ASEAN states (Asia Pacific). Better don’t contact Taiwan first, and inviting engineers and IT experts from UK to contact you in the UK, sounds wise… .

Finally, it is so sad to see that the time to ask for a new entry of UK might be postponed by the EU a decade to the year 2030; maybe this is the time UK needs for new designed politics. Welcome again!

Congratulations to the Nobel Price winner:

HR Development


HR Development (HRD)

Reporting from a visit of the second recruiting trade show in the Metropolitan Upper Rhine Region

Being asked about new trends in South East Asia Ulrich H. Kiefer answered to questions like ‘What are the new trends in HR recruiting in the Greater Shanghai Region’…

One of the valid answers were: the situations will be changing rapidly due to an unhealthy demographic development in some Central European countries.

Thus asking the local HR manager’s plans in their strategy to scout for and finally catch the talented people the surprised facelift was really stunning:
– How to Win more time now with better strategies as the lessonss-to-learn from Asia Pacific?
– How to invest time in the research on foreign markets f.e. in the fields of HR development analysis?
– How to change the actual offline situation into online scenarios in selected social media.

Finally, Ulrich H. Kiefer mentioned the key phrase you can hear in the streats of Hong Kong and other metropoles everyday and everywhere: ‘This-Is-China’.

You may visit also the new video report with the video title
‘Meetropool | This-Is-China | Jia Xing’. ENjoy.

Service multilingual communication and analysis

©2014 Service multilingual communication and analysis.

To be updated ASAP. Thank you for your attention and your esteemed time in advance. UK

Meetropool | Japanese for | Chinese


Meetropool | Dream For Life in Japan | China

Japanese for Chinese 3.0

Why China is losing its quality workers…

It happened in ancient towns around Chengdu…

Historical events reported Chengdu people as powerful…

It is still a secret: the best things of China are exported now to Japan…

And these are the conditions for healthy men…: not drinking and smoking… the monthly income of 7.000 RMB working 72 hours a week – food and hotel rooms are inclusive for in total three years, always two men as partners in one good hotel room…

They will see their families regularly three times a year again. Most of them are actually single.

Their flights will be paid, too. Japan’s electronic industry must hire cheap labour from China now due to its worsening demographic factor in Chibu.

According to some desktop internet research there seem to be living less than 50 people per square kilometer now. If one of these might fall in love, it is most likely that this Chinese worker will never come back.

The reasons seem to be more than obvious in these days full of smog and the polluted air in Beijing according to this critical statements. ‘The television program and especially the food is much better, the sky is clear, and the working conditions are much more improved, so that the chances for a real career in Japan are good there’, he shouts. What do they know about Fukushima?

On my questions such as ‘why not working in Shanghai?’, he smiles at me, raises the hands and describes the landing scenarios, a movement of a plane, arriving on a beautiful island in the ocean with natural resources and sponsored job opportunities in a modern world that suffers from a lack of young people willing to start a second life. …Sayonara! Good night, China.

Sorry, they workers did not prefer to be on a photo due to this actual and unique case of labour exports to China’s neighbour…

International testing of the service quality (letter logistics)


Logistics is complicated’ especially for insiders who might believe this…
Please read and comment…

Believe it or not – sending a letter by express mail for example from a metropolitan city in Southern Asia (for example in Hong Kong, Guangzhou or Shanghai) lead to new sales arguments in order to make ways of transportation longer although it could be shorter.
The real problem behind is that the guarantees have become a burden for most of the carriers, kerosene prices increased, labour cost also and thus the margins are lower. Nowadays you might hear arguments that aircrafts have to fly via Southern Asia to Northern Asia and from there with a stopover in South Korea to get the tanks full.
Then further statements that the transportation within Europe by freight carriers might take up to two days from locations that are close together (less than 400 km). This takes in reality less than half an hour by air mail which the clients are paying for. They do not use the BER, the unfinished airport or logistics centres that are disturbed by passenger traffic.
The biggest point however is then the fact, that mailing services have to transport urgent letters by extra cars that will need for transports less than 15 km needs round about 12 minutes.
As a result, you might re-think why letters who might need maximum 18 hours transportation are delivered in 72 hours only. Is this a strategy to satisfy clients or get them to pay higher prices?
Testing, how long letters might take then we use today QR Codes linking to this website. Feel free to tell us the time and place where you have seen these letters.

Thank you so much for your comments here: go to menu point Yo|Us .

High price to pay? Hohen Preis zahlen?

Here we can ask questions; maybe we might never receive answers to them...

Offenburg bei Hohberg -Ortenau Region, France Strasbourg-Kehl-Baden-Baden and Rust or Freiburg im Breisgau

Liu+Xiao+bo, in Hanyu Pinyin ‚Liú Xiaobo’ geschrieben, kann beim näheren Betrachten als eine Einheit von drei Schriftzeichen (Hanzi) gelesen und verstanden werden:

– das erste Schriftzeichen ist sein Familiennamen, der traditionell geschrieben dann wie ‚lau’ gelesen, heute jedoch vereinfacht mit 6 Strichen geschrieben, meistens eher als ‘liú’ gesprochen würde.

– das Zweite, das mit genau 16 Strichen erstellt wird, ist sehr aufschlußreich. Es bedeutet ‘begreifen, verstehen; es stünde für Tagesanbruch, also das xiao.

– Interessant ist das dritte Zeichen, das mit 8 Strichen entsteht. Es drückt schon seit der Stunde seiner Geburt eine Vision aus, die ein ganzes Volk aus unserer eurokratischen Sichtweise heraus als Meilenstein zukünftiger Revolutionen im Reich der Mitte stehen könnte: die Welle oder Schwingung, (ohne Artikel) kurzum ‘Bo’. Das klingt schon etwas bedrückend, oder?

Das Reich der Mitte, das ihr aktuelles Wachstum beim Bruttoinlandsprodukt (BIP) oder Direktinvestitionen (FDI) per Knopfdruck präsentiert, hat kein Problem mit der Ernennung Liú Xiaobos zum Nachfolger von Barack Obama.

Status Quo?
Der Status quo eines Friedensnobelpreisträgers, zeitgleich als Verbrecher im Umerziehungslager? Warum ist so und weshalb nur auf dem asiatischen Kontinent mitten im Reich der Mitte?

Flux wird daher das chinesische Strategem Nr. 6 entlehnt:  im Osten lärmend, und (zeitgleich) im Westen angreifen. Kaum wahrnehmbar wird der Welt wieder einmal bewußt, dass jene so wichtigen Ressourcen z.B. für die IT- oder Solarindustrien in Afrika oder Brasilien unter neue Kontrolle gebracht wurden. Die Bitte von Regierungen nach Einhaltung von WTO-Standards wird aber mit unerschrockenem Furchtgrinsen (siehe Foto) eindeutig vor den Augen von Botschaftern aus aller Welt abgebügelt.

Sind Menschenrechte international festgeschrieben?
Menschenrechte sind ganz besondere Rechte, die international verschiedenartig auslegbar sind (u.a.  Tenor des Sprachrohrs  Zhong Guos).

So gesehen, ist die Würde und Freiheit des Friedensnobelpreisträger Liu Xiaobo unantastbar; und, nur ein Wunder kann dem anders denkenden Häftling in seiner ausweglosen Situation nahe bei Sibirien gelegen inhaftiert, dann noch helfen, bald seiner Heimat entkommen zu können.

Aber, Menschenrechte, wie etwa das Wahlrecht wählen zu dürfen oder gewählt zu werden, sind für Häftlinge meines Wissens weltweit beschränkt!

Eines ist sicher: der Preis ist hoch.

Jener Staat, der den asgerufenen Friedensnobelpreisträger Liu Xiaobo bei sich später beheimaten wollte, riskierte bei der Vergabe von öffentlichen Aufträgen in der Zukunft von seiner jetzigen Heimat als eine Art Gegenreaktion, die wohl schwer nachvollziehbar wäre, kaum mehr berücksichtigt zu werden.

Die Aussage aus dem Reich der Mitte über die sensationelle Wahl Liu Xiaobos:  ‘Can this create a problem for China? [Kann das ein Problem für China sein?] Ferner höre ich… ‘The Nobel Peace Prize for Liu Xiaobo does not mean that they really have one’. [Der Nobelpreis für Liu Xiabo involviert nicht, dass man wirklich ein Problem damit hat.]