Meetropool | China | New Year

Meetropool | Chinese New Year Thought

When hundreds of million migrant workers travel home after working in the metropolitan cities, this seems to be a surprise for people in Western countries; especially for states whose population does not even reach 20 percent of the estimated figure for sure. Update ASAP.

Meetropool | China | Kenya


About Christmas in 3 continents

One thing is certain: this case happens often to nomads flying worldwide on airways home from Shanghai / China (PRC) or back again to the metropolitan city to land on Pudong’s airport PVG.

Already travelled to 175+ cities worldwide, tourists from Amsterdam-Schiphol, Dubai or Shanghai may ask you in then on the Bund during these busy days:
„How do Chinese people – some of them live overseas – do celebrate their Christmas feast / party?”

Firstly, then you have to think deeply, please!

How to explain the 1+X question(s)? These will never be easy to answer correctly…

Generally spoken you have to admit: the Christmas feast has never officially existed before in PRC.

But how could it come now into fashion there, too?

What makes Christmas a new fashion or trend?

If we regard these (shopping) days only as a fashionable event, we might see it only with the eyes of a marketing director, whose department who tend to trigger the bonuses paid at yearend.

So, hoping to attract more than 200.000+ and more Germans living in metropolitan cities like Shanghai, Shenzhen or Hong Kong SAR, the new consumption worlds go really crazy: buying luxury cars, etc.

This year however, the similar holiday season in the former traditional China follows quickly the German feasts “Weihnachten” and “Sylvester”; as a surprise, it is also quite close to the traditions in Africa as well.

Why Africa?

Networking friends there say: We sing Christmas carols and dramatize place in African churches. Furthermore, many feasts and family reunions are held, similar to new Chinese citizens living and working in an almost forgotten continent: Africa, we go, top!
Opposite to the European thoughts, Chinese TV stations focus on the cultural events such as frequently visited churches, filled with more religious believers than these may offer space to – queuing up, without public viewing.

Yoga Thoughts…

The Christians are told by their priests how they could go on the healthy good old traditional ways. They are given fresh ideas following a visionary path for the coming years. Another yoga trip with drum music…

Finally many festivals are held on the December 31, celebrating gospel music in cities like Nairobi (NBO) / located in Kenya.

There, one week later everybody goes back happy to work with a fresh and creative mentality to overcome the global crises telling: Happy New Year…

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Celebrating Xmas in...

Basar in San Francisco (SFO)

Meetropool | Shanghai | Case Report


News from Shanghai / News from | in Shanghai | Report

“Meetropool | Shanghai | Case Report

Dear visitor,

The world is happy about the good news which are worth to mention: China has now a seat in the international Human Rights General Assembly.

This is part of the reform package. It will lead on its road-map to more growth and a better transparency here in Shanghai due to the news channel of CCTV in Beijing / China.

And here is a case report reported by Mr. Linchang S. | | Manager’s Choice

Case Report: Personal Injury Sustained at …when applying German Visa

FDI | M&A | Dispute Resolution

Here are the details to the full report, based on an unhealthy situation in Shanghai, leading to an interesting global discussion on product quality and the Human Rights in SH Pudong in the People’s Republic of China (starting in 23.07.12 until 2013/2014?).

View story 36853 on or search there for the keyword “Shanghai”. Thank you.

(full report on http://www. / en../view.php?id=2624 )

Shanghai’s Century Park Events postponed

The report about Shanghai’s postponed international music festival and the real story about it starts here…

Arriving back home in their rooms, especially due to the postponed international music festival in the famous Century Park, some players of the band presented their know-how songs to the public in their booked hotel rooms.

For your better understanding you might understand well the slight differences between music and musics… or hammering like the following scenery…

However, if the song ends several times after a few seconds accompanied by the hammering of drum sticks click, one, two, three, four, then you can imagine the the sound that should not be shown on public music video channels, neither in China nor in the Western world. Useless to say, that the bands confirmed to have no manager… This was fresh men’s music made in in the mood of a well known alcoholism trend in modern China.

To be continued… this little report is part of the introduction of
‘sleepless in Shanghai’… Sleep seems not to be a human right. Being asked if the music could stop eventually long time ago after midnight the tricky answer was: is there a problem? The problem has now the hotel management which better had refused bookings…
Sorry, we are already fully booked out due to the National holidays. I am so sorry…

Facing the realities…

This is Shanghai… or “sleepless in Shanghai”

In short, before the national holidays will move millions of visitors towards the Metropolis Shanghai saying…

This is our modern way of life of… Really? Check back in the golden October…

#brand, #china, #influenced, #international, #leadership, #marketing, #partner #social

Updates next months about the surprising reality here in the greater Shanghai area…

Skills shortage | report


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Guangzhou | Paris | Shanghai | Metropolitan Upper Rhine Region | CoDEn | Inspired by great reports from better economic results in Asia Pacific, our thoughts turned round and round: as a result, decision makers also think similar to … Continue reading

So, why going international?


Recently meeting the owner and chairman of arriving from NBO / EA, the talks focused the topic ‘go international’.

Thus, working for international organizations like one of the sponsors of the International Jazz Day in Paris, C. K. Buelongo revealed the 8th anniversary celebration.

Thank you for the strong advice to see this great vive le jazz video. Enjoy!

Download CoDEn-file (similar to Portable Document Format – (chinaco.den) Thank you.

High price to pay? Hohen Preis zahlen?

Here we can ask questions; maybe we might never receive answers to them...

Offenburg bei Hohberg -Ortenau Region, France Strasbourg-Kehl-Baden-Baden and Rust or Freiburg im Breisgau

Liu+Xiao+bo, in Hanyu Pinyin ‚Liú Xiaobo’ geschrieben, kann beim näheren Betrachten als eine Einheit von drei Schriftzeichen (Hanzi) gelesen und verstanden werden:

– das erste Schriftzeichen ist sein Familiennamen, der traditionell geschrieben dann wie ‚lau’ gelesen, heute jedoch vereinfacht mit 6 Strichen geschrieben, meistens eher als ‘liú’ gesprochen würde.

– das Zweite, das mit genau 16 Strichen erstellt wird, ist sehr aufschlußreich. Es bedeutet ‘begreifen, verstehen; es stünde für Tagesanbruch, also das xiao.

– Interessant ist das dritte Zeichen, das mit 8 Strichen entsteht. Es drückt schon seit der Stunde seiner Geburt eine Vision aus, die ein ganzes Volk aus unserer eurokratischen Sichtweise heraus als Meilenstein zukünftiger Revolutionen im Reich der Mitte stehen könnte: die Welle oder Schwingung, (ohne Artikel) kurzum ‘Bo’. Das klingt schon etwas bedrückend, oder?

Das Reich der Mitte, das ihr aktuelles Wachstum beim Bruttoinlandsprodukt (BIP) oder Direktinvestitionen (FDI) per Knopfdruck präsentiert, hat kein Problem mit der Ernennung Liú Xiaobos zum Nachfolger von Barack Obama.

Status Quo?
Der Status quo eines Friedensnobelpreisträgers, zeitgleich als Verbrecher im Umerziehungslager? Warum ist so und weshalb nur auf dem asiatischen Kontinent mitten im Reich der Mitte?

Flux wird daher das chinesische Strategem Nr. 6 entlehnt:  im Osten lärmend, und (zeitgleich) im Westen angreifen. Kaum wahrnehmbar wird der Welt wieder einmal bewußt, dass jene so wichtigen Ressourcen z.B. für die IT- oder Solarindustrien in Afrika oder Brasilien unter neue Kontrolle gebracht wurden. Die Bitte von Regierungen nach Einhaltung von WTO-Standards wird aber mit unerschrockenem Furchtgrinsen (siehe Foto) eindeutig vor den Augen von Botschaftern aus aller Welt abgebügelt.

Sind Menschenrechte international festgeschrieben?
Menschenrechte sind ganz besondere Rechte, die international verschiedenartig auslegbar sind (u.a.  Tenor des Sprachrohrs  Zhong Guos).

So gesehen, ist die Würde und Freiheit des Friedensnobelpreisträger Liu Xiaobo unantastbar; und, nur ein Wunder kann dem anders denkenden Häftling in seiner ausweglosen Situation nahe bei Sibirien gelegen inhaftiert, dann noch helfen, bald seiner Heimat entkommen zu können.

Aber, Menschenrechte, wie etwa das Wahlrecht wählen zu dürfen oder gewählt zu werden, sind für Häftlinge meines Wissens weltweit beschränkt!

Eines ist sicher: der Preis ist hoch.

Jener Staat, der den asgerufenen Friedensnobelpreisträger Liu Xiaobo bei sich später beheimaten wollte, riskierte bei der Vergabe von öffentlichen Aufträgen in der Zukunft von seiner jetzigen Heimat als eine Art Gegenreaktion, die wohl schwer nachvollziehbar wäre, kaum mehr berücksichtigt zu werden.

Die Aussage aus dem Reich der Mitte über die sensationelle Wahl Liu Xiaobos:  ‘Can this create a problem for China? [Kann das ein Problem für China sein?] Ferner höre ich… ‘The Nobel Peace Prize for Liu Xiaobo does not mean that they really have one’. [Der Nobelpreis für Liu Xiabo involviert nicht, dass man wirklich ein Problem damit hat.]