Meetropool | Shanghai | Case Report

News from Shanghai / News from | in Shanghai | Report

“Meetropool | Shanghai | Case Report

Dear visitor,

The world is happy about the good news which are worth to mention: China has now a seat in the international Human Rights General Assembly.

This is part of the reform package. It will lead on its road-map to more growth and a better transparency here in Shanghai due to the news channel of CCTV in Beijing / China.

And here is a case report reported by Mr. Linchang S. | | Manager’s Choice

Case Report: Personal Injury Sustained at …when applying German Visa

FDI | M&A | Dispute Resolution

Here are the details to the full report, based on an unhealthy situation in Shanghai, leading to an interesting global discussion on product quality and the Human Rights in SH Pudong in the People’s Republic of China (starting in 23.07.12 until 2013/2014?).

View story 36853 on or search there for the keyword “Shanghai”. Thank you.

(full report on http://www. / en../view.php?id=2624 )