Free Spirit Climbing


Free Spirit Climbing | … back to the Middle-Ages?

Recently I was invited to study the unique survival strategies of citizens living near Strasbourg in a little town located in the Metropolitan Upper Rhine Region in Germany.
In ancient times, round about three thousand people had been living there before an unhappy end occurred… Learning from history can be so great. It is worth reading. Therefore, I didn’t expect to be sent back to the Middle-Ages on this guided tour, especially not so far back into the 14th century, due to the fact that it was devastated in 1689 by soldiers from Central and Northern Europe.

Learnt lessons from the experts in ancient times

An unexpected architecture style, realized by experts at that time, was revealed by a researcher. She has good agricultural wisdom from the Middle-Ages. At that time, you may have asked yourself: “what could farmers do today what was known more than 600 years ago?”

This is certain: The important facts were hidden until the end of the 20th century. And, some secrets will never be revealed, caused by the behaviours’ of new investors in that town, which could never be also yours, or?


For sure not, this is our strong believe in the good character of people all around the world. So, we may enter the tour now and realize that all of its houses were built on a little hill: at least 12 meters higher, high enough that a local river’s flood waters shouldn’t reach the ground levels of the planned buildings. Therefore, all citizens can use a special cellar system.

War stratagems: Sunzi made in Germany?

Furthermore, the early and wise knowledge about stratagem in daily life, used then in war times, too. It helped the citizens to stop the risks of broken food or interrupted water supplies made by third person’s bad influence.

Using a ruse or you may say it is a trick, just like opening quite often the two gates of the city, the aggressors couldn’t find anybody there except their own wild troops looking for food and water, money and more before returning home towards Northern Europe in the 17th century’s religious war. As a result of having burnt all the environment, stables and houses, and the thick wall around the well protected city was cut by 50 percent down to 20 meters.

How could most of the citizens survive?

Furthermore, historic sources report about one week bright light during the nights, so that the author could read books, even at a distance of 15 kilometres. However, and this is a surprise, rebuilding was possible within one hundred years due to smart city management: the still existing channels under the city were re-used and houses were built on top. The religious writer C. S. from a little village located 15 km close to this city documented the hell of fires, a war crime of the year 1689.

External Water Supplies

The traditional wooden houses in that city were constructed within a well protected shield of an unbelievable high wall, measuring between 35 to 40 meters. All-in-one the city had a unique and really special cellar system enabling the citizens to exit the area – the risky war zone – within shortest delay at daytime or much better at night.

The usage of candles rescued their life, indicating that there was enough fresh air in the one-way rescue tunnel system. Those salient construction methods helped them organize quick support in urgency cases: friends and organizations reached from outside, even from other countries like France or Switzerland. This must have been then a big surprise to several temporary aggressors, planning to invade the city as foreign soldiers with best manners…. However, their uniforms did not impress the employees of farmers, pretending poverty: this ruse was also used in ancient China, too.

On top, water supply was always delivered as a guarantee in life: it was kept as a business secret between farmers in the mountains constructing hidden water channels in the underground. Unfortunately this hidden pipeline system cannot be studied anymore. Using special materials to form those water pipelines, this method guaranteed fresh water supplies until the 20th century. Nowadays, more than 30.000 citizens working and living in centre of the town, have drastic influence on the level of ground water. It sank by two meters already: this trend will not end…

Why water management?

It is worth mentioning, that details about water management were held strictly confidential in the Middle-Ages. This seems to be a surprise based on more than 600 years history of that town. You can understand it that the origin of this decision was the created by a beer and fine wine manufacturer. His production motto was: “water counts!”.

Social Responsibility

With the beginning of October, winter time arrived regularly at that early times. The hay and vegetables had to be already stored in a special cellar system. And then the fresh cut grasslands could be transformed in an innovative location where the local river water could be transferred into pieces of ice by filling special moulds in the natural pathway of the river. Thus, the fresh water could be stored for a long time using only natural energies: frozen pieces of ice in a special isolated cellar covered stable temperature during the whole year. And modern people may shout today: “So smart, wasn’t it?”

The healthy profit made by hidden logistics know-how in a beer and restaurant company grew faster and quicker than expected when adding a fine wine production with higher margins on this healthy liquid (remember: by consumption of it in small quantities). Both production lines were hidden secrets – therefore always located under the city. This means that such intelligent management thoughts enabled those rich business’ people offering additionally a free of charge health service as we call it today social responsibility. This is new and sensational for the Middle-Ages: a real surprise.

Why not Back to the Middle-Ages?

Providing qualified services and in times with no rain or too cold temperatures deep frozen food was sold to minimum prices to the employees and helpers including their family members. As a result, elder people received on top of daily care then one fresh portion of 0.75 to 1.25 litre of fine wines – was it red and/or white wine? – extra selected and refined for the patients in a free-of-charge hospital in the underground (its shareholders received more wine: it could be sold.)

Summary: These social functions remained stable even in case if enemies tried to block incoming delivery of goods or destroyed pipelines of public fountains. Now, wondering, how these facts could remain always secret, we can make forecasts to the 21st century.

Outlook into our modern times

It is sad to see that only four cellars can be visited – this is due to the following facts:

– Start-Up-businesses destroy remaining cellars before historical teams may arrive and stop the construction works.

– The risk of waiting years until the business may start later is evaluated as much too high.

– Investors’ decisions might be blocked from researchers’ work.

These might fear it could involve results like the short formula: “innovation vs. historic wisdom”. Why not destroy history before…?

Please note: Recently a cut of water and/or energy makes cities dependent today and even more in the 14th century. Nowadays, we are missing more grassland zones to handle flood water from rivers: redirected, bigger damages on the infrastructure can be avoided.

Finally, it is worth to mention that two hours insight in a hidden architecture system revealed so surprising know-how based on the Middle-Ages, developed 600 years ago by smart entrepreneurs, already acting with a social responsibility for their own staff and families.

Looking up to the blue sky while leaving the last of the four remaining cellars, you may explore then the above shown crafted arts work; engaged students of a school had invested their time at the end of the 20th century in doing research work in one cellar within a rescue tunnel system. Their impression was “walk with open-minded spirits upwards on our building as a free climber and find out what’s next!”

So, why not go ahead in the research on the “Free Spirit Climbing” – a transfer from the Middle-Ages to the 21st century.

Thank You for
Your interest and
Your esteemed time…

Report evolutionary Cyprus-Greece talks!


Hello, dear international readers of this blog,

The world is changing faster again. And so, regarding and reading the news about the latest developments in Greece, people in Cyprus fear that
– foreign capital from Greece plus also
– the human resource from there
will flow into the beautiful island of Europe, but located in Asia:
from here arrive the news: Cyprus and its divided capital Nicosia City (CY).

Why doing banking business in Cyprus?

Although Cyprus being legally separated from the former colonial power Greece, it might be necessary to separate the local people from other peoples for example in the banking sector: it seems more than most likely, that bank tourists, who might be queuing up in front of Cypriot banks, tend to look forward for a quick deal in spring 2015 starting from now on.

Thus, it might be useful and logical to intensify the daily routines of the customs and other civil services by requesting additionally checks of personal ID cards and/or passports from potential clients in small Cypriot banks: their security matters as well and the data should be protected.

Why entry controls in Northern Cyprus?

Besides, this is new: It is the updated practice now that 100 percent controls at the internal border in Nicosia City have been installed and tightened for all of the visitors. So if you plan to go and visit or come back from the occupied part of the Cypriot island (Northern Cyprus), the situation has changed to the former non clarified status quo due to the ongoing toxic situation since 15.07.1974: an unbelievable occupation of a foreign country.

Why working in Southern Cyprus?

This is special: it might be interesting to learn more about those internal data from Greece and Cyprus such as the actual height of the different minimum wage levels in both countries regarded on a monthly base: what a triggering effect: the level of income on the islands differs a lot: looking across the slightly raising growth trend in Southern Cyprus, you may find the opposite on the continental landscape with its wonderful Hellenistic islands.

Standing out by more than 60 (in words sixty) percent compared to the shrinking standards in the downsizing economy of the ancient historic leaders, some pride ancient Greeks seem to run out of liquid resources. This means good business for real estate agencies and financial institutions on the local mortgage markets.

What will be the expected next steps?

Global discussions also influenced the author of a German book with the translated title “poverty is theft”. The talks consider the severe situation of Greece that has been always riding on the very thin path to survive.

If you would like to listen to the German conversation, You may go straight forward to the arguments starting from minute 41:50 with the result that the debts of Greece might be written off and that Greece will restart with its status of more or less ZERO. This topic will be one of the key questions in Europe throughout the banking sector worldwide starting from now: ” Would a debt relief be one of the best options for Greece? ”

Please advice. Thank you for your attention and your esteemed time in advance.
And a personal statement at the end: we would be all sad to see you leave the EU and join the Eurasian link: so let us cross the fingers and let us dance together this famous Syrtaki dance on the marketplaces all over Europe again.

Meetropool | Everest | 60


Review / Recension of Ulrich H. Kiefer (2009) due to 60 years expeditions on top of the Chomolungmy

Tiefrote Sonnenuntergänge, runde Steine und von Sternschnuppen bei eisiger Kälte in der Todeszone!

Paperback edition signed by the author, the first German women on the Mount Evererst: “Nur der Himmel ist höher. Mein Weg auf den Mount Everest”

Helga Hengges Buch, „Nur der Himmel ist höher – Mein Weg auf den Mount Everest“ in der Taschenbuchausgabe 2002, München, bewegte mich tief. So dauerte es einige Zeit, bis ich in einer Nacht voller Hoffnung die Bezwingung des Chomolungma herbeisehnte.

Der Reihe nach: Helga Hengge will uns nicht in die harte Männerwelten rund um die Weltrekordversuche, alle 14 Achttausender im Himalaya ohne Sauerstoff zu besteigen, einführen: ganz im Gegenteil. Sie schreibt über ihre Schwächen und zeigt damit ihre wirklich wahre Größe.

Ihr Leben – im Trubel rund um Designer Moden – ist vom zähen Ringen um die Gunst zusätzlicher Kunden oder Leser bestimmt, was sie offenherzig als Insiderin nebenbei zugibt.

Und so beginnt die Beschreibung ihres Lebenswerks mit ganz alltäglich anmutenden Geschichten einer Moderedakteurin, die an schöne Orte reisen muss, um dort eine gute Arbeit als Designerin zu verrichten. Das wurde ihr dann mit der Zeit zu oberflächlich…

Den Absprung in das Wagnis am Chomolungma, die Muttergöttin der Erde (Mount Evererst) , schaffte sie 1991 in Etappen mit dem Einstieg in das Freiklettern an den Shawangunk Klippen nach einem Aufenthalt in Saas Fee – rund um die Ski-Moden….
Vor der Besteigung des Everest, die sie glücklich mit Sherpa Loppsang am 27.05.1999 meisterte, war sie nur noch am Cerro Aconcagua (6962) in Argentinien erfolgreich. Brice Russells verordnete Ausdauer-Marathon-Touren in New York und mehrfach am Berg in immer wieder quälenden Auf- und Abstiegen, von Camp zu Camp, je nach Wetterlage oder Gesundheit sofort todmüde zurück, schaffte sie es überglücklich.

Der Leser leidet hier mit, und nach drei von insgesamt sieben Jahren harter Arbeit und anstrengender Lernprozesse gelingt es dann das Wunder doch noch. Nach der Lektüre bleiben mir nur noch zwei Fragen übrig…

1. Wie bzw. wird sie als erste Frau den Berg – das nächste Mal von Süden hinaufsteigend – bezwingen können?
Das ist gefährlich: der Erfolg steht in den Sternen. Es würde mich aber nicht wundern, wenn es gelänge.

2. Welche Schuhgröße muss man haben, um sich über die großen Spalten im Gletscher scheinbar mühelos hinwegsetzen zu können?

Hengges Schwäche für die Sterne der Milchstraße wird im Buch offenkundig: diesen war sie vor der Gipfelbesteigung des Everest einmal erfolgreich gefährlich nahe gekommen: 1997 am Huascarán (6768) im südamerikanischen Andenstaat Peru.

Eine Expedition im Jahr 1998 auf die Göttin des Türkis, kurz Cho Oyu (Qowowuyag des Türkis), misslang leider in 7500 Metern Höhe. Daher ist ihre tiefe Ehrfurcht vor dem Universum, in das sie weit bis zum kleinsten Stern vordringen möchte, gut angelegt.

Sie rettete diese Eigenschaft aus ihrer heilen Kinderwelt ins 21. Jahrhundert. Ihre in einer Garage geschmiedeten Startup Ideen erhielten den Code-Namen Operation Sonnenschein; die Sterne blieben ihr also treu. Und so wuchsen ihr, wie einem Engel, in kritischen Momenten Flügel, die ihr das notwendige Vertrauen in unsere Schöpfung, von der Mutter Natur, verleihen.

Positive Gedanken und vor allem die notwendige Sicherheit – mehr als 3000 Meter über dem Abgrund frei am Seil hängend – lassen sie stets nach oben schauen. Oftmals trennten sie weit oben auf sehr engen Pfaden nur Zentimeter vom Abgrund, auf denen überflüssige Überbleibsel von früheren Expeditionen herumliegen.

Toll an diesem Buch ist das handliche Format: in gerade einmal zehn Kapiteln, die einzeln lesbare abgeschlossene Einheiten bilden, sind packend geschrieben, aber keine leichte Kost!

Die logisch gegliederten Abschnitte respektive Einschübe mit Informationen über die Religion und die Philosophie Tibets sind wichtig, um ein besseres Gesamtverständnis des alljährlich stattfindenden Dramas am Everest zu gewinnen.

Eines ist mir bisher noch nie passiert: einmal holten mich nachts die Geister Nepals ein und ich glaubte mich im ABC Lager in Daunen gehüllt zu befinden. Genauso spannend und packend, also lebensnah, ist der Weltrekord Hengges beschrieben. Es lässt einem dann nicht mehr los, bis zum glücklichen Ende.

Interessant sind besonders die tief psychologischen Einblicke in die ansonsten muntere Frohnatur einer sehr begabten Bergsteigerin.

Hengge hat es in einer Männerwelt, die gefühllos und brutal ist, sind, schwer. Oftmals will sie als eine vermeintlich schwache Frau aufgeben und weint sich dann frierend in den Schlaf. Die in Chicago geborene Deutsch-Amerikanerin trägt das intrinsische sichere Gefühl in sich: ‚Yes, I can.‘

Diese Kraft zieht sie aus ihrem Philosophiestudium. Sie ist auch eine begnadete Schriftstellerin. Um nicht zu viel zu verraten: eine Geschichte um einen Yeti riss mich aus ihrer Depression am Berg heraus. Das würde ich gerne einmal im Video/TV sehen…

Eine mögliche Endzeitstimmung bei dem Gedanken von vor ihren Augen abstürzender Bergsteiger, die das Pech hatten, die Wetterkapriolen wie Sturm oder Kälte zu unterschätzen oder gar nicht zu kennen, die krank wurden und durch menschliche Fehlleistungen oder technischer Mängel binnen kurzer Zeit ihr Leben am Berg verloren. (Revision 28.05.2013)