Winning start?

I am glad to publish here some great feedback on my article “No people, no cry.”

Reports about the skills shortage in the IT industries revealed some important truths behind this complex topic worldwide. It appeared with the global immigration stream that hit not only Central, Northern Europe, UK, etc.

However, desperate skills shortage cries for HELP have instantly vanished, due to the fact that plenty of skilled and motivated people have reached their personal paradise, always ready to invest their energies

One thing is certain: traditional or classical thoughts in the HR industries, producing slogans like: “if the new citizens spoke German or Swedish etc. they might be hired and put into HR databases which are developed mostly in the national languages. These are installed in IT for the administration of people in local software languages.

The demand for people is based on lower expectations in most of the global economies. The need to be able to talk the national dialects has changed or cut the search for experts fluent in English, as the global language that might help overcome communication problems in up to 55 countries worldwide. Searching for and recruiting skilled talents has become rare in the HR teams: so, job descriptions for Human Resources managers such as HR-Recruiter, do not at all fit for the actual needs of the European labour markets.

According to the above mentioned feedback that actual slogans should be changed into sentences like the following: “HELP, we suffer from CLIENT SHORTAGE” and/or “We need HELP and more incoming orders”. This is due to global changes in 2015.

Thus, the topic of missing multilingual people seems no longer count any more. Within a few months you can study one or more languages online and free-of-charge. You might find out quickly that good jobs could find be found easily if you opted out for your special wild card: so, choose and focus on learning daily all those seldom spoken languages. It will work well for example with the language Swedish.

Furthermore, we can hear from feedback arriving from Asia Pacific. Sources report from millions of talents with a Bachelor and/or a Master degree. Actually they cannot find equivalent jobs, get well paid or offered opportunities in their own country, It’s a tribute to a since long expected downturn in China’s economy which is based in mass production.

Finally, the world looks forward to the next salient taken decision, a hot topic like “Great Britain supported by Europe” as it was mega-phoned by global media or newspaper.

Therefore, if the country remained within the settings of the European Union or left it possibly at the end of June 2016, in both cases the world might ask even today one of those important questions concerning its important military bases in Europe.

These were fixed especially after World War 2 (WW2) reaching f.e. towards Western Asia until today.
FAQ: Will these be given up then by Great Britain? Who will take over those UK air bases, which do still exist in the former independent kingdom of Cyprus?

Could it be winning start of a hidden champion in Asia, a quick move in a weak moment, similar to the events happening the 1974? And, how would Europe react then?

P.S. It will be forwarded to a dialogue held in the coming week on the occupied island of Cyprus, dealing with details, how to build up multi-polar worlds. Will all those anchor-less speculations about Cyprus, published recently in Switzerland come finally true?

“A final deal on the historical occupation in 1974 creating the never internationally accepted isolated republic besides well protected buildings of the UN in the North of the island Cyprus?

The world would be curious about the topic, who will move into the former kingdom Cyprus, if people in Great Britain – with or without Scotland – dared to vote for a special mission impossible: Why leaving a weak EU?

Will we get used to listen to new sounds or miss some of those classics, presented 2011 in Old Europe…?

www | water, water, water | Wasser, Wasser, Wasser

Central Europe covered by water and Germany, especially well known in the USA as a little country with a lot of sun offers surprising news

Looking at this video on fox you might say that the solar business in Germany is a great one. It was! And the prejudice that Germany has a cleaner environment, we better do not show the tons of demolished houses and the smell of oil everywhere there.

Surprise: so, when the sun is missing and the climate changes are already arrived here, it seems that Europe could offer even more than rain and water flooding, maybe fresh water for dry states without water.

One thing is certain: the on-going rain fall will end in the highest floods since 400 to 500 years ever.

No idea who will pay the bill after all the flooding in Europe Meetropool | Hohberg | Winter 3.5

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