Brush up: Why less is more?


No pills?… No, sure, absolutely none!

Believe this news “No pills can make your brain great again.”
It is also a good solution for #45: brain pills are free of charge by learning more languages online!

Meeting Stuttgart


We had been meeting in the year 2014 on a trade show near the airport Stuttgart, located in Baden-Wuerttemberg.

Arriving from all over the world we did find some time to make it happen after two years: Welcome again at the GlobalConnect 2016!

Meetings: people from Tokyo / Japan and from Partner plus Benefit | Lufthansa staff: flying in its A380 Airbus: special event talks!

Visiting BW goes international / Black Forest Region

Thank You for
Your interest and
Your attention in advance.

Free Spirit Climbing


Free Spirit Climbing | … back to the Middle-Ages?

Recently I was invited to study the unique survival strategies of citizens living near Strasbourg in a little town located in the Metropolitan Upper Rhine Region in Germany.
In ancient times, round about three thousand people had been living there before an unhappy end occurred… Learning from history can be so great. It is worth reading. Therefore, I didn’t expect to be sent back to the Middle-Ages on this guided tour, especially not so far back into the 14th century, due to the fact that it was devastated in 1689 by soldiers from Central and Northern Europe.

Learnt lessons from the experts in ancient times

An unexpected architecture style, realized by experts at that time, was revealed by a researcher. She has good agricultural wisdom from the Middle-Ages. At that time, you may have asked yourself: “what could farmers do today what was known more than 600 years ago?”

This is certain: The important facts were hidden until the end of the 20th century. And, some secrets will never be revealed, caused by the behaviours’ of new investors in that town, which could never be also yours, or?


For sure not, this is our strong believe in the good character of people all around the world. So, we may enter the tour now and realize that all of its houses were built on a little hill: at least 12 meters higher, high enough that a local river’s flood waters shouldn’t reach the ground levels of the planned buildings. Therefore, all citizens can use a special cellar system.

War stratagems: Sunzi made in Germany?

Furthermore, the early and wise knowledge about stratagem in daily life, used then in war times, too. It helped the citizens to stop the risks of broken food or interrupted water supplies made by third person’s bad influence.

Using a ruse or you may say it is a trick, just like opening quite often the two gates of the city, the aggressors couldn’t find anybody there except their own wild troops looking for food and water, money and more before returning home towards Northern Europe in the 17th century’s religious war. As a result of having burnt all the environment, stables and houses, and the thick wall around the well protected city was cut by 50 percent down to 20 meters.

How could most of the citizens survive?

Furthermore, historic sources report about one week bright light during the nights, so that the author could read books, even at a distance of 15 kilometres. However, and this is a surprise, rebuilding was possible within one hundred years due to smart city management: the still existing channels under the city were re-used and houses were built on top. The religious writer C. S. from a little village located 15 km close to this city documented the hell of fires, a war crime of the year 1689.

External Water Supplies

The traditional wooden houses in that city were constructed within a well protected shield of an unbelievable high wall, measuring between 35 to 40 meters. All-in-one the city had a unique and really special cellar system enabling the citizens to exit the area – the risky war zone – within shortest delay at daytime or much better at night.

The usage of candles rescued their life, indicating that there was enough fresh air in the one-way rescue tunnel system. Those salient construction methods helped them organize quick support in urgency cases: friends and organizations reached from outside, even from other countries like France or Switzerland. This must have been then a big surprise to several temporary aggressors, planning to invade the city as foreign soldiers with best manners…. However, their uniforms did not impress the employees of farmers, pretending poverty: this ruse was also used in ancient China, too.

On top, water supply was always delivered as a guarantee in life: it was kept as a business secret between farmers in the mountains constructing hidden water channels in the underground. Unfortunately this hidden pipeline system cannot be studied anymore. Using special materials to form those water pipelines, this method guaranteed fresh water supplies until the 20th century. Nowadays, more than 30.000 citizens working and living in centre of the town, have drastic influence on the level of ground water. It sank by two meters already: this trend will not end…

Why water management?

It is worth mentioning, that details about water management were held strictly confidential in the Middle-Ages. This seems to be a surprise based on more than 600 years history of that town. You can understand it that the origin of this decision was the created by a beer and fine wine manufacturer. His production motto was: “water counts!”.

Social Responsibility

With the beginning of October, winter time arrived regularly at that early times. The hay and vegetables had to be already stored in a special cellar system. And then the fresh cut grasslands could be transformed in an innovative location where the local river water could be transferred into pieces of ice by filling special moulds in the natural pathway of the river. Thus, the fresh water could be stored for a long time using only natural energies: frozen pieces of ice in a special isolated cellar covered stable temperature during the whole year. And modern people may shout today: “So smart, wasn’t it?”

The healthy profit made by hidden logistics know-how in a beer and restaurant company grew faster and quicker than expected when adding a fine wine production with higher margins on this healthy liquid (remember: by consumption of it in small quantities). Both production lines were hidden secrets – therefore always located under the city. This means that such intelligent management thoughts enabled those rich business’ people offering additionally a free of charge health service as we call it today social responsibility. This is new and sensational for the Middle-Ages: a real surprise.

Why not Back to the Middle-Ages?

Providing qualified services and in times with no rain or too cold temperatures deep frozen food was sold to minimum prices to the employees and helpers including their family members. As a result, elder people received on top of daily care then one fresh portion of 0.75 to 1.25 litre of fine wines – was it red and/or white wine? – extra selected and refined for the patients in a free-of-charge hospital in the underground (its shareholders received more wine: it could be sold.)

Summary: These social functions remained stable even in case if enemies tried to block incoming delivery of goods or destroyed pipelines of public fountains. Now, wondering, how these facts could remain always secret, we can make forecasts to the 21st century.

Outlook into our modern times

It is sad to see that only four cellars can be visited – this is due to the following facts:

– Start-Up-businesses destroy remaining cellars before historical teams may arrive and stop the construction works.

– The risk of waiting years until the business may start later is evaluated as much too high.

– Investors’ decisions might be blocked from researchers’ work.

These might fear it could involve results like the short formula: “innovation vs. historic wisdom”. Why not destroy history before…?

Please note: Recently a cut of water and/or energy makes cities dependent today and even more in the 14th century. Nowadays, we are missing more grassland zones to handle flood water from rivers: redirected, bigger damages on the infrastructure can be avoided.

Finally, it is worth to mention that two hours insight in a hidden architecture system revealed so surprising know-how based on the Middle-Ages, developed 600 years ago by smart entrepreneurs, already acting with a social responsibility for their own staff and families.

Looking up to the blue sky while leaving the last of the four remaining cellars, you may explore then the above shown crafted arts work; engaged students of a school had invested their time at the end of the 20th century in doing research work in one cellar within a rescue tunnel system. Their impression was “walk with open-minded spirits upwards on our building as a free climber and find out what’s next!”

So, why not go ahead in the research on the “Free Spirit Climbing” – a transfer from the Middle-Ages to the 21st century.

Thank You for
Your interest and
Your esteemed time…

Time to see you off?



UK Today: To See You Off Or Maybe Back?

Does UK follow Switzerland, and start to be a third world country?

People may understand that UK always regret to have less influence on the decisions in the EU, although it became the top 5 economy in the world with its not only financial tools. These were offered for example in its prosperous city of London.

In addition, all those flying doctors or nurses from the continent and/or parts of it such as the substantial inflow from Eastern Europe, feeding the dramatic needs of the national health services of the metropolis, all-in-one have helped them improve the living conditions until now. However, all of these benefits are now at risk.

Besides, those states like Scotland, Wales and (Northern) Ireland, who are not willing to loose their membership as a sovereign state in branches with high export rates within the EU, they all fear already the drastic consequences of such a historical decision made by the British on June 23, 2016, today! The risk of no more receiving subsidies from Brussels and no longer being able to export without paying taxes within the EU, this seems to be seen as one reason to opt out from the United Kingdom alternatively.

Therefore, remaining a small island with the since long well known problem of its heavily aging society, the cost for hiring people from Eastern Europe (f.e. from Poland with language skills gathered for years in Great Britain).

The right to join the poll of this referendum is a choice of UK’s citizens, and represents an important fact in order to achieve a richer, safer, and freer financial world in the coming years.

It’s face will show up realistic faces within the next 72 hours – offering special scenarios of one of the worst historic black Fridays ever seen since the WW2.

And people think, or they remain in a sad mood when they see that this poll, which is pointing at important questions like immigration, might abuse people’s role model in their daily life.

It puts their personal choice at higher risks due to the included recession. As a result, the assets or the money lost in a short-term view on the bubbling housing markets, will lead to increasing tax and/or interest rates on the green island.

Foreign Direct Investments (FDI), which arrived in former times in the City of London, here especially from states like Cyprus and its Russian based re-directed income from oil businesses), Ireland, Malta and/or Switzerland, all-in-one might flow out to competitive platforms in Frankfurt or Paris. But it seems unreasonable, doesn’t it. How can more than hundred a few thousand jobs in the banking sector be replaced shortly? FAQ: What will the Chinese capital do?

Therefore, you might ask better honest politicians the following question: “Who will be the winner of such games?”

The author of this article about UK, can’t stand it but it may be a new reality!

There will be none, or almost nobody. Most people will regret soon.

No UK, No Cry?

So, sad to see you off and leave the EU?

No, not at all. Feel happy and enjoy the mice dancing on the tables, or explore where most of the citizens voted for LEAVE THE EU against the will of a majority of the younger generations.

The Youth, might invent a new song like “When I am sixty four” written 1967 on the Isle of Wight: In or out of this green island?

International | Ortenau


International | Ortenau

Ein Artikel von | A press blog article by | Ulrich H. Kiefer

“Meine Kandidatur zur IHK-Wahl 2016 in die Vollversammlung der IHK Freiburg – #Lahr / #Ortenau / Dienstleistung”

U. Kiefer IHK Lahr Vollversammlung Wahl-Gruppe IV: Gewerbe Dienstleistung, Verkehr, Beherbergung

Bericht / Schlagwort | Report / keywords: #IHK-Wahlen #plenum #parliament #economy #vote #election #poll

zu 1. Multilingual | Kommunikation | Analyse

International | Ortenau | VIP Chinesen besuchen die Ortenau.

1. Ortenau International: Tourismusangebote verbessern – Alternative Metropolregion?

Eine Gruppe internationaler Liebhaber von badischer Weinsorten, unterrichten im normalen Leben 12 Flugstunden von hier die deutsche Sprache in China. Im Sommer 2015 kamen sie in die Ortenauregion: nach Hohberg. Auf einer Rundreise in die Weinberge oberhalb von Offenburg meinten die Touristen, mit klarem Fernblick auf die Rheinebene und die Metropole Strasbourg: „This looks like Napa Valley.“ Es sieht wie im Napa Tal aus…

Nun, der Vergleich mit Kaliforniens Napa Tal in dem Sunstate USA mag zutreffen. Dennoch, dort wird der Wein unterschiedlich vermarktet, und ganz anders als in Baden: beachtenswert. Mit dem Hintergrundwissen, dass hier das Angebot und somit der Freizeit-Wert in der, rund um den Schwarzwald gelegenen, Region seit 70 Jahren kontinuierlich auf hohem Niveau ausgebaut wird, endete in positiven Gespraechen und dem Wunsch, sich 2016/2017 wieder zu treffen.

Ist dieses Wissen um die Vorteile des Tourismus in der Ortenau ausreichend bekannt?

Leider noch viel zu wenig, weil oftmals Informationen nur gedruckt vorliegen und nicht digitalisiert wurden. Und so ist es wohl dem Zufall zu verdanken, dass VIP Chinesen NUR hierher reisen, weil sich Termine verschieben, Hotels ausgebucht sind: Trip / Tour stoppen. Die Gruppe wird gut vorbereitet wiederkommen mit ausreichend Zeit im Handgepaeck; und gezielt informiert. Die Realitaet sieht anders aus, lesen sie im folgenden typischen Abschnitt.

Auf ihrem 3-Tage-Marathon, via VIP-Bus, ueber Paris nach Freiburg und weiter Richtung Sueden durch die Schweiz nach Italien, dokumentieren am Airport stets zahlreiche Belege bei der Ausreise uber Frankfurt das grosse Interesse an unseren Waren. Einmal wurde in einer Gruppe (ohne Kind) das Gewicht eines Koffers mit 48 kg festgestellt. Das fliegende Hotel-Juumboo A3XY, nimmt es mit; dann wird fehlender Schlaf nachgeholt. Lifestyle pur? Nicht wirklich.

Die Alternative: Wohlfuehlen durch Wellness versus schwere Lasten beim Check-in schleppen, und ganz abgesehen von dem Problem mit dem Zoll bei Ankunft in Asien. Nun hat sich eine Gruppe angesagt: via London, frueher war es Paris, tangiert sie die Ortenau, um danach nach Innovationen aus der Schweiz Ausschau zu halten.

Es gilt: Umdenken ist ein Muss, gepaart mit dem Erwerb von Sprachen, bis zu 5 Dialekte, wie in der Schweiz.

Das schweizer Vorbild kann in der Ortenau weiter wirken. Online Technologien erlauben es Ihnen dank neuer Forschungsergebnisse aus den USA, nun online Sprachen zu lernen – es kann funktionieren; Fortschritte werden regelmaessig, alle 24 Stunden, in kleineren Einheiten, binnen drei Monaten erzielt: optional bis zu 8 Sprachen, Italienisch oder Spanisch, Tuerkisch oder hier seltener gesprochen Schwedisch, bald Griechisch… sind verfuegbar. Das ist ein echter Gewinn, nicht nur fuer aktive Menschen; multipliziert, zaehlen diese Kenntnisse in der lernenden Export-Wirtschaft. Die Ortenau ist eine originale, innovative Region: Skills welcome! Wissen willkommen! Bienvenue!

Weniger ist mehr.

Mit freundlichen Gruessen / Sincerely / Med vanliga hälsningar

Contact KUH

Enjoy the innovation of hidden champions in...

Metropolitan Upper Rhine Region, Central Europe

MeetroPool Video mit freundlicher Unterstuetzung von Bernd Suhm.

(c) 2014 Photos Copyright Bernd Suhm. Worldwide all rights reserved.

Wuppertal, NRW, Europe

Mit exzellenter Video-Musik von Bernd Suhm Live Music & Entertainment, EU.

Winning start?

I am glad to publish here some great feedback on my article “No people, no cry.”

Reports about the skills shortage in the IT industries revealed some important truths behind this complex topic worldwide. It appeared with the global immigration stream that hit not only Central, Northern Europe, UK, etc.

However, desperate skills shortage cries for HELP have instantly vanished, due to the fact that plenty of skilled and motivated people have reached their personal paradise, always ready to invest their energies

One thing is certain: traditional or classical thoughts in the HR industries, producing slogans like: “if the new citizens spoke German or Swedish etc. they might be hired and put into HR databases which are developed mostly in the national languages. These are installed in IT for the administration of people in local software languages.

The demand for people is based on lower expectations in most of the global economies. The need to be able to talk the national dialects has changed or cut the search for experts fluent in English, as the global language that might help overcome communication problems in up to 55 countries worldwide. Searching for and recruiting skilled talents has become rare in the HR teams: so, job descriptions for Human Resources managers such as HR-Recruiter, do not at all fit for the actual needs of the European labour markets.

According to the above mentioned feedback that actual slogans should be changed into sentences like the following: “HELP, we suffer from CLIENT SHORTAGE” and/or “We need HELP and more incoming orders”. This is due to global changes in 2015.

Thus, the topic of missing multilingual people seems no longer count any more. Within a few months you can study one or more languages online and free-of-charge. You might find out quickly that good jobs could find be found easily if you opted out for your special wild card: so, choose and focus on learning daily all those seldom spoken languages. It will work well for example with the language Swedish.

Furthermore, we can hear from feedback arriving from Asia Pacific. Sources report from millions of talents with a Bachelor and/or a Master degree. Actually they cannot find equivalent jobs, get well paid or offered opportunities in their own country, It’s a tribute to a since long expected downturn in China’s economy which is based in mass production.

Finally, the world looks forward to the next salient taken decision, a hot topic like “Great Britain supported by Europe” as it was mega-phoned by global media or newspaper.

Therefore, if the country remained within the settings of the European Union or left it possibly at the end of June 2016, in both cases the world might ask even today one of those important questions concerning its important military bases in Europe.

These were fixed especially after World War 2 (WW2) reaching f.e. towards Western Asia until today.
FAQ: Will these be given up then by Great Britain? Who will take over those UK air bases, which do still exist in the former independent kingdom of Cyprus?

Could it be winning start of a hidden champion in Asia, a quick move in a weak moment, similar to the events happening the 1974? And, how would Europe react then?

P.S. It will be forwarded to a dialogue held in the coming week on the occupied island of Cyprus, dealing with details, how to build up multi-polar worlds. Will all those anchor-less speculations about Cyprus, published recently in Switzerland come finally true?

“A final deal on the historical occupation in 1974 creating the never internationally accepted isolated republic besides well protected buildings of the UN in the North of the island Cyprus?

The world would be curious about the topic, who will move into the former kingdom Cyprus, if people in Great Britain – with or without Scotland – dared to vote for a special mission impossible: Why leaving a weak EU?

Will we get used to listen to new sounds or miss some of those classics, presented 2011 in Old Europe…?