Sommermaerchen – Summer fairy

Women’s Football in Germany | Yasmine says: ‘Whoever plays well, will win. I hope the best for our team… |

Frauen-Fussball in Deutschland | Yasmine sagt: ‘Wer gut spielt, wird gewinnen. Ich hoffe das Beste fuer unser Team… |

Female World Cup Fan 2011

Central Europe | Metropolitan Upper Rhine Region (c) Copyright 2011 Photo by Ulrich H. Kiefer. All Rights Reserved.

call one one two for rescue

Calling | one one two | could | rescue life | in | Offenburg | in the | Metropolitan | Upper Rhine | Region | If you want to know more about yourself, you can make it in just one minute: call 112 in urgent cases and rescue life. Photos, graphic design, text layout, and idea plus keywords by Ulrich H. Kiefer, Germany | Europe © Copyright 2011 Ulrich Kiefer, video productions. All Rights Reserved. Video Link: call

Elly said: ‘it seems that nobody does advertisement for the football championship in Germany but me…’

DE – Niemand ausser mir macht Werbung fuer die Frauen Fussball Weltmeisterschaft 2011 in Deutschland…

Wer wird gewinnen? Äquatorial-Guinea, Australien, Brasilien, Deutschland, England, Frankreich, Japan, Kanada, Kolumbien, Mexico, Neuseeland, Nigeria, Nordkorea, Norwegen, Schweden, USA… |

Who will win? Australia, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Equatorial Guinea, England, France, Germany, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, Nigeria, North Korea, Norway, Sweden, United States of America… |

it seems that nobody does advertisement for the football championship but me

Metropolitan Upper Rhine Region