
Being invited by good friends to join their social network I was invited to see that awesome video:


As a result, a new idea was born… creating a social network that can create smiling creators… and you will see, it would be really a great pleasure to learn more about interesting people and those highly valuable experiences…

Thank you so much for your great engaged interest in advance.

Not the final one?

Opening The New Year

So, we could hear people shout: << Let us hope: ‚not the final one’ >>

More than 1.500 decision makers from Central Europe were the audience of a final speech of K. D…. Why will this unique president from the CCI Southern Upper Rhine resign after ten years volunteer work? There might be found answers to that question: the message is clear and easy to understand.

Presenting minimally 3 topics of the 3-national Metropolitan of the Upper Rhine Region (TMO):

1. Connecting better travelers from and to the Airport Basel-Mulhouse

2. The Elite universities in the TMO and

3. Miscellaneous motors of growth burning better than estimated one year ago…

The president (see the ‘photo’ below) was tackling more than 13 salient issues on January 10, 2010 in Freiburg’s Concert Hall.

A) A5 or B31 and poor management in the TMO (express and federal highway),
B) Brain drain of experts towards leadership in Canada, Switzerland or USA,
C) Corporate and Public taxation in Europe,
D) Deficit spending of communities in Germany,
E) Demographical changes here and in the world,
F) Educational standards worldwide,
G) Higher Emigration rates versus the wanted immigration,
H) Local Business Tax in Lahr (Black Forest),
J) Missing creativity and the lack of visionary/ innovative ideas / products,
K) The need of the politics to write off the unrealistic ongoing planning processes,
L) Public savings versus backyards politics/thinking,
M) Stuttgart 21:unknown international context and contract with Switzerland,
N) The placebo effects of specific environmental thoughts, etc.

Although investing into their premises in Lahr the share in the cost per member could be lower. Thus, people here also might ask themselves: ‘what would have been announced if it were closed and sold?’

Unfortunately it should not be forgotten that, as a result of missing online press releases in English or French for people from the TMO or throughout the world: high standards. Wow!

Maintaining this new rule, the interested reader could recognize the red thread…

Quick and easy, such as ‘better, great, high, improved or more:

– The whole package of businesses: the important care for children, education and families, especially for foreigners or immigrants,

– Innovation, responsibility, talent shortage; talents to solve our traffic problems or to work against the pollution here as well,

– A vision for the TMO to be revealed to all citizens living and arriving here,

– 60+ years after WW2 now after the reported local thinking across the borders now the highly estimated plans of co-operation…

‘No comments…? Not really!”

The last Speech As A President
Concert Hall, Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany, EU

Anonymes Zitat während des Neujahrstreffens… : ‘So sieht der gute Service am Kunde eben wirklich aus. Weiter so!’

Super foto Safari

As a result of formulating a smart slogan this good news just arrived.

Offenburg in the -Ortenau, located in one of the 2 tri- national Metropolitan Region


So, Think Peaceful And Quiet 



Thinking of Christmas in one of Nairobi’s slums I thought of how to present this topic in positive ways in order to help people there instantly.

‘Looking into those sparkling emerald green eyes, I can feel a quiet ocean’, said Roses’ touching soft voice on top of the roofs in NBO. And the forgotten village secret is now revealed. People in Hu-ru-ru said: Always think quiet and peaceful, wishing you all a ‘Happy New Year’.

[…] So… you may see also the swan family, too…

calender 2010

Foretaste of Spring 20 10 in the -Ortenau

VIDs Very Important Ducks

Hohberg bei Offenburg-Ortenau Strasbourg-Kehl-Baden-Baden France and Rust or Freiburg im Breisgau BF


Spring time in Hohberg bei Offenburg-Ortenau / Strasbourg-Kehl-Baden-Baden France and Rust or Freiburg im Breisgau BF… Last year we said: ‘lots of things can create chances for the real big changes. We have been working really hard to improve many things every day. Since then and all of them added together, we are giving our clients better experiences in the web and more.

Hello world!


Hohberg -Diersburg, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe

Hohberg -Diersburg, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe

Welcome to Ulrich Kiefer Blog | in Hohberg b. Offenburg-Ortenau | in the Metropolitan Upper Rhine Region | The Strasbourg-Ortenau Eurodistrict, near Gengenbach, Kehl-Baden-Baden France and Rust or Freiburg im Breisgau BF.

Last year we said: ‘lots of things can create chances for the real big changes. We have been working really hard to improve many things every day. And since then and all of them added together, we are giving our clients better experiences in the web.

News + + + Why Business Management Control? + + + Why China? + + + News + + +

Subsequent to my initial experiences in print media, I have extensive experience of the telecommunications, trade, supermarket and automotive accessory suppliers’ industries. Combined with a first-hand knowledge of the Middle Kingdom, fluency in Mandarin and an ability to “think outside the box”, I offer high level, industrial business management assistance to organisations in China.

All about us at Cvide dot com

In the modern era of the Internet sound-bite, few can be bothered to wade through scores of painstakingly detailed texts, charts and graphs, or, when surfing the Internet, have the patience to wait more than a second or two until the next web-page loads. With time at a premium and boredom thresholds at an all-time low, it seems that the old traditional websites have become both outmoded and ineffective. “Most people,” Amit Mendelsohn, an Internet expert and Web marketing consultant, emphasizes, “log on to business websites for about two minutes, rarely going beyond the site’s first page.”

As for the traditional CV? All-inclusive, they are undoubtedly useful in the long-term; but, initially, job recruiters, forced to shift through masses of CVs and profiles, need something that will tell them all they need to know in one brief “byte”; just as prospective job candidates need and want to grab and hold these recruiters’ attention. The problem is that as they stand, text CVs, dull, monotonous and lacklustre are simply not up to the job.

Seeking to resolve this ineffective, highly uneconomical state of affairs, developed the CVideo: eye-catching videos of less than two minutes that deftly combine images, text and music in one concise, informative and entertaining package. Specially crafted for the Internet age, CVideos are completely different from anything that has been done or seen before. “Your average CV or promotional website,” Mr Mendelsohn,’s owner and co-founder, points out, “often drown the subject matter in a welter of words and images, thus taking an age to read and/or surf. The CVideo, an animated video short was designed specifically to resolve this problem by focusing the viewer’s attention on the core message.” Capturing prospective recruiters’ interest right at the start of the vetting process, the CVideos, short and sweet, seduce them into discovering more about the CV’s subject. After a lengthy testing period, in which both those profiled in the CVideos as well as those receiving them expressed their delight at the results, the CVideo was officially launched.

The CVideo caught on quickly. Inspired, by its success, now decided to tackle the problem afflicting the majority of business websites today. “The aim of most websites,” Mr Mendelsohn explains, “is to deliver a message, something they cannot do if nobody has the patience to surf the site from beginning to end. Even sites with embedded videos are generally ineffective because these 15 to 60 minute videos are far too long, and not many people today have the patience to sit through such lengthy promotions.” met this challenge using the same conceptual principle underlying the CVideos. Mr Mendsohn again: “Instead of trying to change people’s Internet habits, why not adapt your format to suit them”. The result: the Video-Site.

Combining a crisp and concise text with striking animated images and carefully chosen music, the Video-Site is a gripping, vivid presentation: a meticulously tailored, succinct video-message in line with both the thrust of the subject matter and the average surfer’s attention span.

It is proof, as Dr I.A. Rose’s copy editor asserts, that “less is more. Indeed, our clients have been amazed at how much can be said, and said well, in so few words,” especially if accompanied by a series of well-placed images! A philosophy, Mr Ulrich Kiefer, an international business and financial adviser, and one of’s first customers, was quick to endorse.

Bowled over by the concept of the Video-Site, Mr Kiefer became the company’s sales representative in Germany and the Far East. Nor was he the only one to jump on the bandwagon, as many of its customers, convinced of the CVideos and Video-Sites’ market potential, rushed to become company sales affiliates.

But,’s technically proficient and skilfully produced video-bites, are only one part of the equation. The other is the ease with which its products are distributed across the Web. “To make an impact, the videos need to be delivered quickly and effectively,” which is why distribution,” Mr Mendelsohn says, “is an integral part of our service”.

Certainly, thanks to’s specialized distribution system, its CVideos and Video-Sites consistently head the results list of all search engines, not just once but several times over. boasts an impressive portfolio of products, including: CVideos, Video-Ads, Video-Sites, a specialized Commercial Package and sundry video services, all available on their website at