First international results

know how to present in one minute – savoir presenter dans une minute

I am so thankful that I could get fresh ideas and also a glimpse of the innovation in that region which seems to be so ambitious and crazy for innovation – for a better world we will live in.

By the way, France knows the usage of natural products pretty well.

This fact was hidden until the news was published: verveine in leading hotels and restaurants…

Super foto Safari

As a result of formulating a smart slogan this good news just arrived.

Offenburg in the -Ortenau, located in one of the 2 tri- national Metropolitan Region


So, Think Peaceful And Quiet 



Thinking of Christmas in one of Nairobi’s slums I thought of how to present this topic in positive ways in order to help people there instantly.

‘Looking into those sparkling emerald green eyes, I can feel a quiet ocean’, said Roses’ touching soft voice on top of the roofs in NBO. And the forgotten village secret is now revealed. People in Hu-ru-ru said: Always think quiet and peaceful, wishing you all a ‘Happy New Year’.

[…] So… you may see also the swan family, too…

calender 2010

Meeting the new businesses world




…under the moon of the meetropool Baden-Baden…

Report to you…: all about meetings in… Starting soon in 20 10…

Ulrich H. Kiefer reporting from Asia, Africa, the Americas and EU

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