The | copy | paste | image | business

all about the copy and paste image business

Central Europe (c) 2010 Copyright Amit Mendelsohn

This is a surprise… suddenly more than 50 decision makers arrive here to visit the | Metropolitan | Upper Rhine | Region |, announcing visits of the European Parliament and the nice location of Strasbourg city in Eastern France.

Focusing also immediately on the green energy capital of Baden-Wuerttemberg, Freiburg im Breisgau, the group will ride quickly after lunch along the highway number A5 | for sure no speed limits or controls | this group will also pass thereby at a unique and special area of interest: a former military airport that was recently announced, you believe it or not, for sale.

Unfortunately a sad story, however now, with all the important winds of change and great talks, held in more than two or three languages, it can work well for the Metropolitan Upper Rhine Region in the centre of Central Europe. Cheers! Santé! Salud! Zum Wohl!

Not the final one?

Opening The New Year

So, we could hear people shout: << Let us hope: ‚not the final one’ >>

More than 1.500 decision makers from Central Europe were the audience of a final speech of K. D…. Why will this unique president from the CCI Southern Upper Rhine resign after ten years volunteer work? There might be found answers to that question: the message is clear and easy to understand.

Presenting minimally 3 topics of the 3-national Metropolitan of the Upper Rhine Region (TMO):

1. Connecting better travelers from and to the Airport Basel-Mulhouse

2. The Elite universities in the TMO and

3. Miscellaneous motors of growth burning better than estimated one year ago…

The president (see the ‘photo’ below) was tackling more than 13 salient issues on January 10, 2010 in Freiburg’s Concert Hall.

A) A5 or B31 and poor management in the TMO (express and federal highway),
B) Brain drain of experts towards leadership in Canada, Switzerland or USA,
C) Corporate and Public taxation in Europe,
D) Deficit spending of communities in Germany,
E) Demographical changes here and in the world,
F) Educational standards worldwide,
G) Higher Emigration rates versus the wanted immigration,
H) Local Business Tax in Lahr (Black Forest),
J) Missing creativity and the lack of visionary/ innovative ideas / products,
K) The need of the politics to write off the unrealistic ongoing planning processes,
L) Public savings versus backyards politics/thinking,
M) Stuttgart 21:unknown international context and contract with Switzerland,
N) The placebo effects of specific environmental thoughts, etc.

Although investing into their premises in Lahr the share in the cost per member could be lower. Thus, people here also might ask themselves: ‘what would have been announced if it were closed and sold?’

Unfortunately it should not be forgotten that, as a result of missing online press releases in English or French for people from the TMO or throughout the world: high standards. Wow!

Maintaining this new rule, the interested reader could recognize the red thread…

Quick and easy, such as ‘better, great, high, improved or more:

– The whole package of businesses: the important care for children, education and families, especially for foreigners or immigrants,

– Innovation, responsibility, talent shortage; talents to solve our traffic problems or to work against the pollution here as well,

– A vision for the TMO to be revealed to all citizens living and arriving here,

– 60+ years after WW2 now after the reported local thinking across the borders now the highly estimated plans of co-operation…

‘No comments…? Not really!”

The last Speech As A President
Concert Hall, Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany, EU

Anonymes Zitat während des Neujahrstreffens… : ‘So sieht der gute Service am Kunde eben wirklich aus. Weiter so!’

all about the new energies in…

nature pure

Offenburg -Ortenau Region in the Black Forest

One thing is for certain: I could really get some good ideas of the messages in a special video channel yesterday…  and so I got a vision of the language skills of the former leading president of Baden-Wurttemberg, too.

Thank you for this very special documentation of leadership – made in Germany … so, please go for president… if you believe in energy politics…