Year End 2014 / 2015


Dear readers of this blog,

These days are very special due to the fact that the world is in consoling with all the family members

of unfotunately plenty of innocent victims of tragic accidents and wars troughout the world in 2014.

Let us cross the fingers for a better life in re-united peaceful worlds that are part of our wishes.

Therefore we wish you all a much better year 2015, in good personal health conditions including all the power to live again in a peaceful environment and the necessary stability.

Finally, we believe in great chances that this will come true. Thus, while regarding the predictions for the coming Chinese Year of the Goat / sheep, we offer our best for your planned projects fore sure.

Yours very truly

Ulrich H. Kiefer & Partners
DoTo² e.K., Inh. Ulrich Kiefer
Strasbourg-Ortenau Eurodistrict
Metropolitan Upper Rhine Region

The Golden Bird MeetroPolitan


(c) Copyright 2014 Seasonal greetings DoTo² e.K.,, Inh. Ulrich Kiefer, Worldwide all rights are reserved.

(c) Copyright 2014 Seasonal greetings DoTo² e.K.,, Inh. Ulrich Kiefer, Worldwide all rights are reserved.

Visiting the Strasbourg Christmas Market

Black Forest, location: Central Europe, near Gengenbach City and about 2 hours to the next airport.

Copyright 2014 Photo by Ulrich H. Kiefer taken in the Meetropoolitan Region of the Upper Rhine Central Europe

(c)2014 Ulrich Kiefer, CEU

Why China – The Review?


China-live: No-Risk and no-Life?

With the beginning of the 21st century, Asia reaches the peak in it’s economies. So, you may ask us:

“How about energy?” and think about:

“The cheapest and most efficient consumption of energy is the one you do not use.”


Please compare the situation to the emerging countries like Africa…


Here are some conclusions from Year 2014 from

The 17th Annual Congressional Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency EXPO on July 31, 2014.

Panel 7: Energy Efficiency

As a result you may agree on this summary

“The best and most efficient consumption of energy is the one you do not use”.

Thank you for your interest and your esteemed time.



Stuttgart Airport

To be updated ASAP.

Do It Now


Lessons learnt from Asia Pacific 2014…

It is important to do it now. Against the main stream which seems to lead to much lower growth rates than estimated or globally wanted.

Lessons learnt from visiting a job fair in Shanghai Pudong, you may understand even better those words:

Create space for young professionals’ looks for better horizon, jobs, profession, and companies recruiting staff.

So, think, re-think. Then act and re-act.

CO² save energy

Stuttgart, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Europe, Germany

Thank you for your attention and your esteemed time in advance.

Today’s needs for tomorrow


What you may learn from breaking new s-keyword searching like…

– connect
– global
– navigation

A detailed report from visiting a consulting days trade show in Stuttgart:

The important lessons learnt at this show and exhibit event are: Do it now…. Todo what?

Yes, exactly. Listening to side talks while enjoying some hot drink paired with fresh water from here.

“[…] Do it now: create the important space for young professionals’ looks for better horizon, jobs, profession, and companies recruiting staff.”

Renewables in Germany


1. Update 2014-11-09 ASAP
2. Update 2014-11-21.
3. update 2014-11-25

Meeting the new businesses world




…under the moon of the meetropool Baden-Baden…

Report to you…: all about meetings in… Starting soon in 20 10…

Ulrich H. Kiefer reporting from Asia, Africa, the Americas and EU

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Hello world!


Hohberg -Diersburg, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe

Hohberg -Diersburg, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe

Welcome to Ulrich Kiefer Blog | in Hohberg b. Offenburg-Ortenau | in the Metropolitan Upper Rhine Region | The Strasbourg-Ortenau Eurodistrict, near Gengenbach, Kehl-Baden-Baden France and Rust or Freiburg im Breisgau BF.

Last year we said: ‘lots of things can create chances for the real big changes. We have been working really hard to improve many things every day. And since then and all of them added together, we are giving our clients better experiences in the web.

News + + + Why Business Management Control? + + + Why China? + + + News + + +

Subsequent to my initial experiences in print media, I have extensive experience of the telecommunications, trade, supermarket and automotive accessory suppliers’ industries. Combined with a first-hand knowledge of the Middle Kingdom, fluency in Mandarin and an ability to “think outside the box”, I offer high level, industrial business management assistance to organisations in China.

All about us at Cvide dot com

In the modern era of the Internet sound-bite, few can be bothered to wade through scores of painstakingly detailed texts, charts and graphs, or, when surfing the Internet, have the patience to wait more than a second or two until the next web-page loads. With time at a premium and boredom thresholds at an all-time low, it seems that the old traditional websites have become both outmoded and ineffective. “Most people,” Amit Mendelsohn, an Internet expert and Web marketing consultant, emphasizes, “log on to business websites for about two minutes, rarely going beyond the site’s first page.”

As for the traditional CV? All-inclusive, they are undoubtedly useful in the long-term; but, initially, job recruiters, forced to shift through masses of CVs and profiles, need something that will tell them all they need to know in one brief “byte”; just as prospective job candidates need and want to grab and hold these recruiters’ attention. The problem is that as they stand, text CVs, dull, monotonous and lacklustre are simply not up to the job.

Seeking to resolve this ineffective, highly uneconomical state of affairs, developed the CVideo: eye-catching videos of less than two minutes that deftly combine images, text and music in one concise, informative and entertaining package. Specially crafted for the Internet age, CVideos are completely different from anything that has been done or seen before. “Your average CV or promotional website,” Mr Mendelsohn,’s owner and co-founder, points out, “often drown the subject matter in a welter of words and images, thus taking an age to read and/or surf. The CVideo, an animated video short was designed specifically to resolve this problem by focusing the viewer’s attention on the core message.” Capturing prospective recruiters’ interest right at the start of the vetting process, the CVideos, short and sweet, seduce them into discovering more about the CV’s subject. After a lengthy testing period, in which both those profiled in the CVideos as well as those receiving them expressed their delight at the results, the CVideo was officially launched.

The CVideo caught on quickly. Inspired, by its success, now decided to tackle the problem afflicting the majority of business websites today. “The aim of most websites,” Mr Mendelsohn explains, “is to deliver a message, something they cannot do if nobody has the patience to surf the site from beginning to end. Even sites with embedded videos are generally ineffective because these 15 to 60 minute videos are far too long, and not many people today have the patience to sit through such lengthy promotions.” met this challenge using the same conceptual principle underlying the CVideos. Mr Mendsohn again: “Instead of trying to change people’s Internet habits, why not adapt your format to suit them”. The result: the Video-Site.

Combining a crisp and concise text with striking animated images and carefully chosen music, the Video-Site is a gripping, vivid presentation: a meticulously tailored, succinct video-message in line with both the thrust of the subject matter and the average surfer’s attention span.

It is proof, as Dr I.A. Rose’s copy editor asserts, that “less is more. Indeed, our clients have been amazed at how much can be said, and said well, in so few words,” especially if accompanied by a series of well-placed images! A philosophy, Mr Ulrich Kiefer, an international business and financial adviser, and one of’s first customers, was quick to endorse.

Bowled over by the concept of the Video-Site, Mr Kiefer became the company’s sales representative in Germany and the Far East. Nor was he the only one to jump on the bandwagon, as many of its customers, convinced of the CVideos and Video-Sites’ market potential, rushed to become company sales affiliates.

But,’s technically proficient and skilfully produced video-bites, are only one part of the equation. The other is the ease with which its products are distributed across the Web. “To make an impact, the videos need to be delivered quickly and effectively,” which is why distribution,” Mr Mendelsohn says, “is an integral part of our service”.

Certainly, thanks to’s specialized distribution system, its CVideos and Video-Sites consistently head the results list of all search engines, not just once but several times over. boasts an impressive portfolio of products, including: CVideos, Video-Ads, Video-Sites, a specialized Commercial Package and sundry video services, all available on their website at