

Serendipity in… Why not in Woolloomooloo?

Recently I met a brilliant Bachelor student. Her name is Leah. She lived in the EU and was on her way to the next airport in Switzerland (a none-EU country). Leah taught me that she would like to finish her studies quickly, but a missing service urged her to prolong the studies by one semester.

Why longer and not smarter studies?

Leah continued: “It would be quite functional and a helpful tool for successful students worldwide, not only for that kind of elite generation… Ambitious and talented, skilled human resources choose to study often at elite universities. Thus, driven by the salient motivation to hand in good results and always focusing to be faster and better, this includes therefore passing the exams just-in-time.”

However, aware of the necessity to communicate fluently, not only in Business English, French, (Switzerland) German and Italian – a standard in the Metropolitan Upper Rhine Region (MURR) – the increased values of seldom spoken languages motivate students like Leah to improve language skills overseas.

Leah, planning to leave Europe, had to request for the official agreement: “kindly accept the prolongation of the official number of six semesters to seven, just to pass one single test.

As a result, the surprising question came up in the fast running train: “Why not passing the procedures in a few days, far away in another country with different time zones, for example in Woolloomooloo?”

Located in and on a beautiful country or big island, direct flights take more than 12 hours from Eastern France / Switzerland. And, the local universities there are perfectly well equipped – high ranking worldwide.

So what’s the quick solution for a short time frame in the next months?

Finally, I don’t know yet, if the administration of the university will agree on Leah’s individual request; thus, it would be smart, if future universities – in general – could offer that kind of innovative e-cabins-test-centers where students could log into a video surveyed room with a special code and transfer the right answers to the test questions in safe digital modes resembling to existing formats (eventually similar to a global standards like the Printable Document Format).

When leaving the fast running train, Leah agreed with us: This idea isn’t a revolutionary idea. Already, frequently used at court, it became quite normal. Testimonies are broadcast via video sessions and provided electronically.

Time is money! So, just do it, why not?

Socializing and sharing here this interesting business opportunity in co-operation with Leah, all those lovers of languages and curious researchers would be happy, due to their trend to invest energies abroad. Their wish to get more support from their universities in order to enrich the Curriculum vitae (CV) with practical skills is preferred by companies and helps to overcome the weaknesses of too long and outdated CVs.

But, is this idea really applicable? Will the quality of short-term communication improve?

Leah and us, we hope to read some critical voices here, why this fresh brainstorming idea might not work, does it? Leah asks: “Please tell us, where the error is or what were the problems with this request? Thanks for your attention and the esteemed time.

Hong Kong – Germany – Greece and the Americas / United States of America (USA)

Life in Balance

Contact businesses, the company directory, and information: these were the leads and the reasons of my motivation to visit the New Year Meetings here…

to be updated soon… also including also some

Tourism, Controlling, Innovation, More...

Paris, Champs-Elysees, France, EUR.

photos from a meeting with 1000+ business people near the ja. club of Freiburg im Breisgau, DE / Germany / EUR.

Lost and Found GO 375 20 09

Lost and Found GO 375 20 09

Eines ist sicher: der Wettstreit um die Losnummer 375 war voll entbrannt.

Ganz smart schreibt sich die Zentrale in Krisenzeiten im Interview mit der Presse eines auf die Fahne:
Wir muessen in einer internationalen Stadt, wichtige Geschaeftsprozesse der Verwaltung multimedial im Internet mittels Auktionshaus abbilden (Kontext).

Und so fieberten mehr als 655 Menschen mit, wie der Superdeal im warmen Zuhause am Rande des Black Forest (Schwarzwald) ersteigert wurde: die Story 20 10 schlechthin.

Alle Einzelheiten im halbseitig publizierten Presseartikel studiert, registrierten sich 656 fleißige Bieter im Portal und warteten wie einst in Holland: zugeschlagen!

Fast am Ende aller Auktionen angelangt, nahm die super Geschichte ihren Lauf:

flackernde Bilder gegen 17:50 mit Stau im Internet: und nach 148 Sekunden dann die prompte Eilmeldung:
der Artikel wurde verkauft.

Die Eieruhr senkte den Preis um 19 EUR auf gerade einen tEuro.

Haette die Welt geweint, wenn nicht…?
Zu spaet, Prozesse wie die Verschrottung eines himmelblau, nicht aber gruenen und gebrauchten Vehikels, dessen Schlaeuche faltig oder platt der zu kalten und duennen Hoehenluft zum Opfer fielen, sowie mit kaum geoelten und eingeknicktem Transmissionsriemen bestueckt, hatten sich die Verbindung zur Handsteuerung fuer die Geschwindigkeitsregelung frueh geloest.

Ergo, werden Narren das real einzige Objekt, das bestens verkauft wurde, auf einen Eselskarren spannen, um die badische Kulturrevolution im Internet auferstehen zu lassen.

Der eigens noch zu entwickelnde Name fuer das defekte Damen-Velo, mit 5 Gang Shimano Kettenschaltung mit Daumenschalter fuer Bastler, wird im Museum fuer neue Kunst und Kultur der Gegenwart als ein salient in Szene gesetztes Wahrzeichen fuer Velo-Witze im Rampenlicht stehen.

Wichtig ist: so kann krisenfeste Stadt in Krisenzeiten einer globalen Konsumgueterinflation, laut Folgebild am PC, bis zum 27.12.2009 um 18:00 Uhr, ganz smart 2010 effizient ueberstehen.

Nun, so sind wir nun alle gespannt wie Flitzebogen…!

Christmas market

Offenburg -Ortenau, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Europe