About ulrich

When you set up a company, you need: - Professional Business Plan - Careful Financial Planning - Accurate Forecasts - Perfect Market Analysis - Smart Human Resourcing - Efficient Organization - Copyrights Protection - World Wide Constructive Business Development... Normally a team for all these. However, One Ulrich H. Kiefer is enough to make your business run smoothly. At the age of 50+ speaking English, French, German, Italian, Chinese, Mandarin, Cantonese and more with working experience in three (3) continents, highly connected in the Asia Pacific area, teaching experience in several languages in different business related fields, expert in East Asia Economies, and the telecommunication sector with the ability to identify global markets trends, and M.I.S. implementation. Working as a financial controller supervisor: analytical mind, organization skills, vast financial knowledge, or multi-cultural experience, assertive and totally engaged: all together makes UK the best possible financial controller for your company. Ulrich H. Kiefer (Chinese name in pinyin: Song KeFu) says: 'China has legitimate concerns about the fall in its rate of economic growth due to increasing costs of energy and human resources. Risks and uncertainties abound in the world’s markets. As a result, security in many areas of business no longer exists. While working as a financial controller for a British P.L.C., a trade and logistics company, I followed Confucius’ advice: ‘Life-long learning is popular.’ In 1994, preoccupied with the future, I traveled as an independent tourist to China for the first time in my life. When I had the opportunity to obtain a license, covering the whole of China, for a company in Shanghai with headquarters in Hainan, I agreed on the W.O.F.E. status |¹ to obtain it.Thus, I was able to promote and market the company’s modern control software profitably. In addition to my initial experience in the print media, I have extensive practice in the telecommunications, trade, supermarket and automotive accessory suppliers’ industries. Combined with - a first-hand knowledge of the United Kingdom - fluency in Mandarin, and- the ability to ‘think outside the box’, I offer high level assistance to your organization in China in the area of industrial business management. In summary, my strengths are: - Operational and strategic action in the context of re-organization, focusing the core business of your company in China. - Strategic and analytical thinking: transparent reporting. - Foreign-tested multilingualism, for example, I presented data, facts and figures at IT trade fair ‘CeBIT Asia Shanghai’, entitled ‘Controlling in China’. - Experience of controlling in the areas of finance, production, transportation and logistics, marketing plus distribution in a network. - Strategies for managers: three years' experience, knowledgeable in the detection of mega trends in Southeast Asia, including one year each in the metropolitan cities of Hong Kong S.A.R. and in CN-Shanghai.

Report evolutionary Cyprus-Greece talks!


Hello, dear international readers of this blog,

The world is changing faster again. And so, regarding and reading the news about the latest developments in Greece, people in Cyprus fear that
– foreign capital from Greece plus also
– the human resource from there
will flow into the beautiful island of Europe, but located in Asia:
from here arrive the news: Cyprus and its divided capital Nicosia City (CY).

Why doing banking business in Cyprus?

Although Cyprus being legally separated from the former colonial power Greece, it might be necessary to separate the local people from other peoples for example in the banking sector: it seems more than most likely, that bank tourists, who might be queuing up in front of Cypriot banks, tend to look forward for a quick deal in spring 2015 starting from now on.

Thus, it might be useful and logical to intensify the daily routines of the customs and other civil services by requesting additionally checks of personal ID cards and/or passports from potential clients in small Cypriot banks: their security matters as well and the data should be protected.

Why entry controls in Northern Cyprus?

Besides, this is new: It is the updated practice now that 100 percent controls at the internal border in Nicosia City have been installed and tightened for all of the visitors. So if you plan to go and visit or come back from the occupied part of the Cypriot island (Northern Cyprus), the situation has changed to the former non clarified status quo due to the ongoing toxic situation since 15.07.1974: an unbelievable occupation of a foreign country.

Why working in Southern Cyprus?

This is special: it might be interesting to learn more about those internal data from Greece and Cyprus such as the actual height of the different minimum wage levels in both countries regarded on a monthly base: what a triggering effect: the level of income on the islands differs a lot: looking across the slightly raising growth trend in Southern Cyprus, you may find the opposite on the continental landscape with its wonderful Hellenistic islands.

Standing out by more than 60 (in words sixty) percent compared to the shrinking standards in the downsizing economy of the ancient historic leaders, some pride ancient Greeks seem to run out of liquid resources. This means good business for real estate agencies and financial institutions on the local mortgage markets.

What will be the expected next steps?

Global discussions also influenced the author of a German book with the translated title “poverty is theft”. The talks consider the severe situation of Greece that has been always riding on the very thin path to survive.

If you would like to listen to the German conversation, You may go straight forward to the arguments starting from minute 41:50 with the result that the debts of Greece might be written off and that Greece will restart with its status of more or less ZERO. This topic will be one of the key questions in Europe throughout the banking sector worldwide starting from now: ” Would a debt relief be one of the best options for Greece? ”

Please advice. Thank you for your attention and your esteemed time in advance.
And a personal statement at the end: we would be all sad to see you leave the EU and join the Eurasian link: so let us cross the fingers and let us dance together this famous Syrtaki dance on the marketplaces all over Europe again.

Three little stars


3 little stars

After reading last year the interesting Christmas story the first time, located in one of the centres of the Milky Way, “Three little stars”, some people thought that the author of the poem, Georg W. Pijet (1907-1988), wanted to tell us a great story for a better life of handicapped people, here the blind.

They can learn more about healthy energies and powerful lights.

However, today I got the impression of the deepest darkness out there in our space: So, shall the freedom of speech and creativity of fresh ideas overcome the opinions of the rest of the world by its violation as it happened today in the centre of Europe: in Paris?

No! Never! It won’t be possible, neither will any fatal action erase creative ideas nor will our happiness vanish due to forced actions.

For sure, the good spirits will be expressed globally – more open and this is what all the peoples worldwide can learn from it, now.

And hopefully, the world will never give a little chance to any form of such horrible influences as it happened in the French metropolis, in Central Paris (11th district).

As a result, our hearts are from now on with the families of those innocent victims of these attacks: an unbelievable shocking story.

However, one thing is certain: the hunt for those gunmen will be done quickly after being identified… to be updated 2015/01/07.

(c)2012-2015 Stop rape globally

(c)2012-2015 Ulrich H. Kiefer Photo ‘Lights of Marseille’

Peaceful Paris

Peaceful Strasbourg / France

China international


From New York to Shanghai

– Year End 2014 / 2015

Condolences from all over the world after the WNY celebration before the CNY

This is new: tourists in Hong Kong SAR know that even visiting the fireworks has been always a safe and/or a must go event: So, you can hear Hong Kong people say: ‘please, just enjoy it’.

However, it might have been more than a lack of training and/or motivation of the security services around the location of annual fireworks. As a matter of fact, not any tragic scenes were reported. It seems that massive crowds caused unexpected stress to engaged security staff there.

The great event of happiness at this time happened turned into a disaster when thousands of young and encouraged people – always open to say ‘hello to the New Year of the Western world’ (WNY) – moved and some of them fell down.

Around six weeks earlier before the Chinese New Year (CNY) of the Goat (sheep) arrives, better news may show up on global news tickers. It’s likely due to predictions of those ancient traditions.

Furthermore such severe accident will strengthen the ongoing brain drain trends: intelligent students trying to broaden their education outside too crowded cities will lead to consequences for their improved future graduations in various creative study programs of open-spaced cities.

It is consequent that East Asia’s go-global-trends will magnify updated behaviour of responsible parents when early decisions of pro-moving around the world thinking might prefer the better care for the safety of their unique and highly skilled children for sure. So, this is the good point.

Finally, this is certain: we’ll see quick learning effects as the first messages from Asia – ultimately after the stampede. Today we are with all the families of innocent victims from South East Asia.

News from the movie film

“Old Boy – The Way of the dragon” with music from a German speaking componist who died in Dec 2014.

Our suggestion here is: start watching the video from 1 hour 45 minutes (exactly 1:45:35). The actors, here the singing duo Xiao Dabao and Wang Xiaoshuai, present the new world to their spectators in China.

Unfortunately after the New Year Shanghai Event in Southern China, many family members lost their lives plus their beloved members in the stampede Therefore, we are all with the families of those innocent victims. We hope the very best for the injured patients, and a quick recovery from a traumatic stress.

Year End 2014 / 2015


Dear readers of this Cvide.com blog,

These days are very special due to the fact that the world is in consoling with all the family members

of unfotunately plenty of innocent victims of tragic accidents and wars troughout the world in 2014.

Let us cross the fingers for a better life in re-united peaceful worlds that are part of our wishes.

Therefore we wish you all a much better year 2015, in good personal health conditions including all the power to live again in a peaceful environment and the necessary stability.

Finally, we believe in great chances that this will come true. Thus, while regarding the predictions for the coming Chinese Year of the Goat / sheep, we offer our best for your planned projects fore sure.

Yours very truly

Ulrich H. Kiefer & Partners
DoTo² e.K., Inh. Ulrich Kiefer
Strasbourg-Ortenau Eurodistrict
Metropolitan Upper Rhine Region

The Golden Bird MeetroPolitan


(c) Copyright 2014 Seasonal greetings DoTo² e.K.,, Inh. Ulrich Kiefer, Worldwide all rights are reserved.

(c) Copyright 2014 Seasonal greetings DoTo² e.K.,, Inh. Ulrich Kiefer, Worldwide all rights are reserved.

Visiting the Strasbourg Christmas Market

Black Forest, location: Central Europe, near Gengenbach City and about 2 hours to the next airport.

Copyright 2014 Photo by Ulrich H. Kiefer taken in the Meetropoolitan Region of the Upper Rhine Central Europe

(c)2014 Ulrich Kiefer, CEU

Why China – The Review?


China-live: No-Risk and no-Life?

With the beginning of the 21st century, Asia reaches the peak in it’s economies. So, you may ask us:

“How about energy?” and think about:

“The cheapest and most efficient consumption of energy is the one you do not use.”


Please compare the situation to the emerging countries like Africa…


Here are some conclusions from Year 2014 from

The 17th Annual Congressional Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency EXPO on July 31, 2014.

Panel 7: Energy Efficiency

As a result you may agree on this summary

“The best and most efficient consumption of energy is the one you do not use”.

Thank you for your interest and your esteemed time.



Stuttgart Airport

To be updated ASAP.

Do It Now


Lessons learnt from Asia Pacific 2014…

It is important to do it now. Against the main stream which seems to lead to much lower growth rates than estimated or globally wanted.

Lessons learnt from visiting a job fair in Shanghai Pudong, you may understand even better those words:

Create space for young professionals’ looks for better horizon, jobs, profession, and companies recruiting staff.

So, think, re-think. Then act and re-act.

CO² save energy

Stuttgart, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Europe, Germany

Thank you for your attention and your esteemed time in advance.

Today’s needs for tomorrow


What you may learn from breaking new s-keyword searching like…

– connect
– global
– navigation

A detailed report from visiting a consulting days trade show in Stuttgart:

The important lessons learnt at this show and exhibit event are: Do it now…. Todo what?

Yes, exactly. Listening to side talks while enjoying some hot drink paired with fresh water from here.

“[…] Do it now: create the important space for young professionals’ looks for better horizon, jobs, profession, and companies recruiting staff.”

Renewables in Germany


1. Update 2014-11-09 ASAP
2. Update 2014-11-21.
3. update 2014-11-25